Euro Truck Simulator 2: 1.41 Update Release “Convoy Multiplayer”


With lots of testing, feedback, fixing, and fine-tuning, we are excited to announce the highly anticipated arrival of update 1.41 for Euro Truck Simulator 2.

We’d like to thank all those who took part in the 1.41 Open Beta, made bug reports, and provided general feedback on this new version. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update.

So, what can you find in the 1.41 update for ETS2? Let’s take a closer look!


Convoy Multiplayer

Convoy is a new multiplayer game mode, where players can set up and host their own private sessions (password optional) to drive with their friends or other fellow truckers. There is currently support for synchronized AI traffic, time and weather, and the ability to take the same job as other players.

Convoy allows you to create and host an online session with up to 8 players. We plan to eventually raise the player limit in the future, however, we are keeping it small at this time due to its work-in-progress nature. Session hosts will automatically be made admins of these sessions, allowing them to ultimately control what kind of environment they want to have online, as well as having the ability to kick any trouble-makers from the session.

You can also see, filter, browse and eventually join any of the available sessions that have already been created by your friends or other truckers.


So what options and features will players be able to use and experience in Convoy? 

  • Any player can host and create their own private sessions for up to 8 people
  • Ability to haul the same contracts/jobs together from the same company and to the same destination
  • Synchronized AI traffic (random events included)
  • Synchronized time and weather
  • Synchronized paint jobs, truck accessories, cabin accessories, cargoes and more
  • Ability to communicate with other drivers via CB radio broadcast (X key), quick replies (Q key), or text chat (Y key)
We know how many players are eager to try out this new feature; however, there are some things you will need to know before joining your friends on the road!
Notable issues / not yet implemented:
  • Mods in Convoy mode are not supported in the initial release.
  • AI vehicles might disappear when a player disconnects.
  • Lifting bridges are not synchronized. They will be stationary for the initial release of Convoy.
  • Steam invites work only through the Steam overlay.
  • CB radio broadcast (hotkey “X”) interferes with the text input line.

Worried about your profile progress? In-case of trouble-makers or other circumstances out of your control, players will have the option to revert their savefile to one made previously before joining the session. From friends to VTC’s, we are excited to see how you will enjoy Convoy and we look forward to hearing your constructive feedback on this new online feature.

A24 Iberia DLC Addition

Today, we are happy to bring a new piece of the road network to the latest map expansion for ETS2. This update to Iberia includes the Autoestrada A24 which runs north to south across the Douro river valley, connecting A7 and A25. It passes through a very scenic region of Portugal, famous for its many vineyards.

Originally, this road was considered for release with Iberia DLC, but we did not manage to complete it in time. We decided to finish A24 anyway and bring it to you in an update, as we did not want to leave this beautiful part of Portugal behind!

Our teams are listening to feedback and making changes accordingly for upcoming updates and beyond. We look forward to bringing you similar development news in the near future, be sure to keep your suggestions and feedback coming as it really helps motivate us to improve our content.

Photo Mode: Time & Weather options

We know how much our players love to take photos in-game and spend a lot of time creating that perfect shot, and for many, this also includes finding the right lighting conditions and weather. So to help create that perfect trucking memory, we have implemented a new feature that may save you quite a bit of time when it comes to using console commands!

Introducing the new Time and Weather options! Players will now be able to choose the conditions of their liking, to create the perfect trucking snap just by simply adjusting a new slider to change the time, or clicking on two buttons to control the lighting/weather, all of which will appear in the updated in-game photo studio. We can’t wait to see how drivers will use this new feature in the future and we look forward to seeing your snaps!




  • Convoy Multiplayer
  • Time and weather adjustments in photo mode
  • Quick Travel


  • A-24 Duoro Road Addition to Iberia DLC
  • Iberia map fixes
  • Various road signs reskinned across Europe
  • Navigation sign reflection fix



  • New icons on the map legend


Source: SCS Software’s blog



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