ETS 2 – Karosa 95x Bus Pack [DBus World]


ETS 2 – Karosa 95x Bus Pack [DBus World]

Karosa 95x Bus Pack city bus mod by DBus World has been published for Euro Truck Simulator 2. This bus mod has great driving physics and sounds and also works in 1.39 update.

This is a fully drivable port of Karosa B951/2(E) and C954(E) made by marty515 and Daniel94 for OMSI2. Originals can be found here[] and here.[] Ported with permission.

Works under both DX11 and OpenGL. Does not appear in AI. Other variants (eg. Axer) were scrapped due to a lack of time.

Game Version: 1.39.x and up (Versions below 1.37 (included) are not supported at all.)


Models: by marty515 and Daniel94 for OMSI2.

Convert to ETS 2: Etrusan, DBus World

This is the end-user package. If you are a dev, SDK can be found here.[]


You are allowed to create repaints using the templates from the SDK. For any other changes, please contact me first. Reuploads are forbidden. ETS2 version is free and can only be found on my Steam Workshop.

Support topic: SCS Software’s forum



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Required Mods: DBus Vehicles Shared assets (Subscribe on Steam Workshop)

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