ETS 2 Iberia & New Light System: Development Teaser [video]


Yesterday, we approached you with news of a very important decision for us. While we are 100% sure we chose the right path, we were quite nervous about how the fan community will accept this mixed news. We went all-in on trust and hope that everyone will understand and follow our hard decision. Extending development time on a project is not a cheap adventure, but the Iberia team deserves the chance to fully realize their vision, and synchronizing the release with our new light system will give the map expansion a chance to truly shine. It is also very important that compressing both releases into a single testing cycle, any long-term effects on future releases are minimized.

We are grateful for and humbled by the response coming from our #BestCommunityEver. Thank you for once again reassuring us that we are in this together.

As we hinted yesterday, to make up for the shock of the initial announcement, we felt that we need to show you a bit more. So we rushed to come up with something literally overnight. Today we are happy to share a short development teaser video presenting a bit of the new light setup, coincidentally recorded at locations from an up and coming Euro Truck Simulator 2 map DLC. The team still has a ton of work ahead of them to adjust so many models and textures to the new system. We only have a few locations (and still subject to further tweaks) that are close enough to completion that we can consider them ready to be shown. So the teaser is rather short, but it should give you a very good idea of what kind of improvements the new light system will bring for both ETS2 and ATS with the 1.40 update.


We hope you like what you see there already! Keep an eye on our blog and social media channels because we plan to bring you more updates and hot news on these topics.


Source: SCS Software’s blog


ETS 2 Iberia DLC has postponed, New graphics with update 1.40 – The Good News and the Mixed News



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