Farming Simulator 22 Modding Tutorials version 5.0 has been released with GIANTS Editor 9


GIANTS Software has released the Modding Tutorials version 5.0, along with their new game Farming Simulator 22. You can buy it for USD 4.99. Explains how to start modding for FS 22 on GIANTS Editor 9.

With every new Farming Simulator and version of our very own GIANTS Engine, we also take some time to create in-depth modding tutorials in the form of videos that guide you through everything you need to know – step by step. The new modding tutorials are included in the Collector’s Edition of Farming Simulator 22. You can get them separately, too. We show you how to integrate a 3D model using Blender. USD 4.99

Get the Modding Tutorials 5.0

Start modding for Farming Simulator 22 and get the new Modding Tutorials! We show you how to integrate your 3D-Models using Blender, step by step. A series of 15 tutorial videos will guide you through everything you need to know.

  1. Introduction & Blender Installation
  2. Installation of .i3d Exporter
  3. Surface Materials
  4. Separate & Editing Pivots
  5. Components & compoundChildren
  6. Functional Nodes
  7. modDescXML
  8. vehicleXML
  9. Create Animations With “Moving Tools”
  10. Adding Effects
  11. Merge Groups & Bounding Volume
  12. Level of Detail
  13. Skinning
  14. Creating Store Icons
  15. Fine Tuning




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