ETS 2 & ATS WoTR Hauling Hope Event: COVID-19 Vaccine cargo


Virtual Truckers of the world, we are all still enduring hard times, as the world continues to battle COVID-19. The fight is not over, but we can see light at the end of the tunnel, we see hope in the creation of the COVID-19 Vaccines and their rapid worldwide roll-out. We would like to, once again, recognise the selfless drivers and support crews working so incredibly hard to achieve this goal. So, we are inviting you to take part in personally delivering these vaccines, across any and all trucking territories in the World of Trucks Hauling Hope event!


Last year, in March, we asked you all to respond in the way we thought best, which was to take part in the unprecedented #TruckAtHome event. The community effort was incredible, it was at a level of participation that we had never seen before. We celebrated with you all further, by delivering financial support and supplies directly to those on the front line, for each new milestone that the community reached.

This time, it will be your own personal journey. Our slogan is #HaulingHope, and the goal is for you to deliver this fragile and precious cargo undamaged, so you will need to be extra careful when making your delivery. The cargo will have a zero-damage tolerance and will require a Fragile Cargo skill, level 1, to be carried.

This event is a chance to take part in delivering something more than just a cargo, it’s a chance to deliver hope to the world, if only virtually.

Where you go and how far you haul will be up to you. What is important is that you enjoy the event, spread the word so that others can share the hope, and stay safe and healthy.


#HaulingHope Event Rules:

Using External Contracts with a World of Trucks-connected profile in Euro Truck Simulator 2, American Truck Simulator or both, your Personal goal is to complete at least 7 undamaged deliveries of COVID-19 Vaccine cargo across any trucking territories. To be able to see and carry this cargo, you need to have a Fragile Cargo skill of at least level 1.


Personal goal: Your contribution of 7 or more deliveries of COVID-19 Vaccine cargo will gain you:

  • A World of Trucks Achievement.
  • A prestigeous, Hope Trucker Insiginia, cabin item to hang in your truck.

The event will be concluded on Sunday 7th February 23:59 UTC.





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