American Truck Simulator – Wyoming: Guess the place!


Today we are excited to share with you some pictures from Wyoming, our upcoming DLC expansion for American Truck Simulator. However, while we usually talk about the landmarks and areas that we decide to show, we thought it might be fun to switch it up a little for this post!

We think our community is pretty good when it comes to detective work, so we thought we might present you with the challenge of figuring out the locations of these images! Think you know the answers? Let us know in the blog comments or any of our official social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and you could win a steam key for Wyoming on us when it releases!

Please keep in mind, however, both the lighting and map expansion seen in these shots are still ‘work in progress’ and may not represent the final product at the time of release. Also, if you like what you see, be sure to add Wyoming to your Steam Wishlist! It really helps to support us with releases of our future content.

Source: SCS Software’s blog



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